As I was getting ready for my pre-New Year’s trip to Budapest, I wanted to write articles about the luxury places to visit and include some fashion moments from the Hungarian scene.

I came across Bianka, the successful owner of Handmade Fans -ANKA FANS, a small luxury accessory brand in Budapest. She has some amazing New Year photos for her brand and an interesting fashion background. I had the opportunity to interview her exclusively for the Intro-Ducing magazine

Who is Bianca Bujdoso, the founder of the Anka luxury hand fans brand?

Currently, I am a dedicated mother to a 1.5-year-old girl named Mimi, who already shares my
love for hand fans. Beyond motherhood, I am a communication professional working in the
advertising industry for one of the largest independent agencies in the country. However, my
heart has always been captivated by fashion. At the young age of 19, I co-founded one of the
country’s pioneering fashion blogs alongside two other writers. For five years, we cultivated this
platform, all the while I juggled freelance writing gigs for various glossy and fashion magazines
while pursuing my studies at the university.
Throughout this period, I had the fortune of being invited to esteemed events such as the Milan
and London Fashion Weeks, among numerous exclusive gatherings. After the closure of our
blog, I became an advisor for the Central European Fashion Week headquartered in Budapest.
Additionally, I was involved with the Re-buttoned: Hungarian is in Fashion! national fashion
contest, contributing my expertise and passion to this yearly event.


How did you come up with the idea of starting a brand of luxury handmade fans and what
inspired you the most ?

The inspiration behind starting a luxury handmade fan brand stemmed from my lifelong passion
for fashion and a cherished childhood connection with hand fans.
Fashion has always been a fervent interest of mine, yet I struggled to pinpoint my specific niche
within the industry. However, my grandmother’s fondness for hand fans left a big impression on
me. She possessed a diverse collection from various countries and occasionally allowed me to
play with them. This early exposure linked femininity in my mind to these elegant accessories.
As I matured, I wanted to acquire hand fans for myself. Sadly, I discovered it was increasingly
challenging to find elegant ones with a sleek, refined design. I resolved to create a brand that
would satisfy this need not only for myself but also for others who shared this desire for
sophisticated hand fans.


When was the brand launched and who is its target audience?

The brand was launched by my business partner and me after a year of meticulous preparation,
precisely five years ago, at the end of 2018.
Our target audience for Anka hand fans embodies sophisticated and fashion-forward women
who have a keen appreciation for elegance and unique accessories. I firmly believe that these
women exude confidence and strength, and our hand fans serve as a subtle yet impactful tool
that enhances their confidence in various situations.
They prioritize style, individuality, and functionality in their choice of accessories. These women
are driven to make a statement through their fashion choices, seeking items that reflect their
personality and elevate their overall look.

What’s truly rewarding for us is witnessing the loyalty of our target audience over the years.
We’ve seen many returning customers who have embraced our hand fans as a part of their
seasonal ensembles.

What distinguishes these fans from others in the market?

When conceptualizing our new collections, my primary focus revolves around crafting items that
I myself would genuinely enjoy wearing and using.
Our commitment extends beyond mere design; we constantly strive to innovate and introduce
contemporary elements to our hand fans. For instance, we’re continuously exploring new
features, such as different straps, aimed at enhancing the fan-wearing experience, making it
more convenient and accessible for our customers.

Also, do you have a favorite fan from the brand?

I must say, I have favorites from every season! For instance, in the Holiday Collection ’23, the
Palm Festive Night stands out to me, particularly due to its unique ecru interline. I always say
still i have favorites from every collection, I’m satisfied with our work.

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