Urban Luxurious brunch from KAFETERIJA

Mornings are for enjoyment!

The urban and modern cafeteria chain, recognizable for its top-quality coffee and other small items, launched a luxurious brunch on Sundays in one of its cafes, far from the city crowd.
In the greenery of Dedinje, in a bright space with a big garden surrounded by greenery, only on Sundays, KAFETERIJA offers a morning brunch, which chefs have given a luxurious touch thanks to the attractive menu and high-quality service.

Luxury brunch was made as part of the cafeteria’s creative process with the ambition for new services that will surprise old and new visitors and refresh the cafeteria’s offer. At the same time, it was a brilliant opportunity for employees to express themselves individually on a creative level and thus develop their full business potential, participating in the blossoming of the cafeteria’s identity.

A large selection of quality coffees pressed juices, and small snacks in the form of croissants and muffins has now expanded its horizons to a serious brunch offer that you can enjoy during the weekend with company or family.

We stole some time from the employees to discuss this new project and to enjoy the classy brunch!

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