Barbara Tatalovic, model

The new fresh face, Barbara Tatalovic, showed to us all her grace on exclusive photo shooting for

When about her personal style, we introduce you Barbara in our actual collaboration with photos and interview.

When did you realize for the first time that the clothes you wear are actually part of your personality?

I don’t remember exactly when I felt this for the first time, but all I know is that since I was a very little girl, I had in my mind a lot of fashion ideas.

I refused to wear a pink color because the stereotype was that small sweet girls wear this color. I couldn’t let myself being the same.

Who influenced you the most, when it’s about a style?

Those are my parents, definitely. When I say style, I mean about the attitude, a style in general. About the fashion style, as a part of an attitude, I learned that from my mother, herself.

What determines the most what clothes you will buy?

It was always very important for me to feel comfortable in what I wear. Nothing too short, nothing that pinches me.

What’s the favorite piece in your wardrobe?

There are a few pieces, mostly presents from the people who are dear to me. I was always very emotional with the memories, and not with the clothes as well.
But I can say that Calvin Klein jeans are a fashion statement for me.

Tell us your own definition of a style?

To be honest, I don’t have it. But I consider that we build and expands our style throughout life ( through whole life).
As we become mature, our style changes its way naturally. The main point is to find a balance in everything …this is my spontaneous definition ever.

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