Ksenija Djordjevic (Architect, Interior designer) About the opening The Apartment by KDA

This month, exclusively for INTRO-DUCING magazine, Ksenija talks about her new plans, projects, style and more…

What’s the Apartment by KDA ?

The Apartment by KDA is the first shoppable apartment in the region that we are
going to open in Ljubljana and Belgrade this autumn. For couple of years now I was
planning to create special gathering place for our clients and all design lovers, but
rising number of KDA projects just postponed it a bit.
Shoppable apartment is beautifully curated home-styled space where near enough
everything is up for sale, from sofa, handmade rug, lamp, painting, book to cashmere
sweater or a bottle of wine. Everything you see or like you can buy on site or
purchase it online through our website. You will be able to access The Apartment by
KDA only by booking a private appointment online, and we will do our best to
accommodate your schedule.
Experience continues to be the most important differentiator for physical retail. The
success of the shoppable apartment lies in inspiration. Being able to see products in
home-like environment makes it easier for our clients to imagine owning them. It
gives pieces context that a normal store doesn’t.
However, shoppable apartment is not just about selling. In addition to selling every
item showcased within the space, The Apartment by KDA is also available for
private interior consultation and design projects.
We want to support our clients in their vision, inspire them and create stronger and
more emotional connection to design by inviting them to spend time in the space just
hanging out, having a drink and experiencing The Apartment by KDA carefully
curated world.
Beautifully restored spaces in 19 th – century buildings in Belgrade and Ljubljana Old
Town areas will be primarily dedicated to selling contemporary furniture, art and
product design pieces, but The Apartment by KDA will also host events and private
dinners with external partners inviting acclaimed designers from the region and our
clients to gather and discuss architecture, design and art in relaxed and informal

Tell us about Online interior design masterclass by KDA?

Online interior design masterclass by KDA is going to start late august 2020. I am
going to use my experience as an interior designer and create video lessons in order
to guide all people interested in interior design through the design process from the
idea, project phase to the completion of the project. You will able to learn about
context, how to start a project and work with different concepts and typologies. I will
talk about function, volumes, materials, textures, colors, lighting and design details. I
will reveal design secrets about the selection of furniture, textiles, plants and art
pieces. Finally, I will talk about inspiration, iconic design pieces and my experience

as an interior designer. Certainly it is going to be exciting and dynamic journey
through the world of interior design.
If you have greater ambitions, you can apply to five month course about interior
design which I am going to teach from September 2020 to February 2021 on
regional Molen Creative Academy.

How about to put your sensibility into your professional work?

The work of designer means constantly working on yourself. Working on yourself
means creating your own identity. Creating your identity means finding your own
point of view, your own voice, your own concepts and values. Creating the platform
from which you speak and act as a human being and as a professional is crucial for
every designer / author. Inevitably, all of my project are marked by who I am and
what I believe in.
KDA team, our partners, various artists we are working with around the world, they
all share that same vision and sensibility. We are always trying to create timeless
space with strong visual identity, to tell a story, to experiment, to push the
boundaries and stay true to ourselves.

You seem to be very stylish person. How this influence your work?

I realized I am using the same strategy when I think about the space and when I
think about my personal style.
When I think about the space – Tender minimalism. I am always trying to create
clean minimalistic envelope by using simple high quality materials for the surfaces,
floors, walls, ceilings and then fill it with distinctive interior design elements and
details such as iconic furniture pieces, custom made chandeliers, handmade rugs
and carefully selected artwork. That is the way to create timeless space with strong
visual identity.
When I think about my personal style – Again tender minimalism. Simplicity of white
shirts, well cut jackets, jeans or black leather trousers, geometrical begs, it really
works for me. I always break it a little with some interesting and striking details,
jewellery, hats or sunglasses. Sometimes I like to get out of that contemporary
classic style and buy pieces like extravagant vintage red velvet dress, funky shoes,
hand painted silk scarves and crazy flower suites. I don’t really follow any trends. It is
all about high quality timeless pieces, my attitude and what feels good for me.

Your work is very inspiring, but what inspires you?

I am always inspired by the moment when something that was just an idea, a
drawing comes to life. When you see the idea materialized in front of your eyes, live,
one on one it is a place of great satisfaction. I am also inspired by the power of
urbanism, architecture and design to change the lives of people and our impact on
the environment. Sustainable architecture and good urban design can solve number
of social problems and deal with a lot of climate change issues we are facing on
global level. Good interior design can improve the way feel in our homes, work
places, shops, restaurants, it can dramatically improve our every day life.
Here I would quote my favorite philosopher and sociologist Henri Lefebvre. His
books “The Production of Space” and “The Urban Revolution” had a strong impact
on my work and the way I think about urbanism, architecture and design.

“Space is creation. Whoever creates space, creates whatever is that fills space. The
place engenders the thing and the good place engenders good things!”
Henri Lefebvre, The Urban Revolution

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