SLAVIMIR FUTRO, Graphic Designer

I recently had the pleasure of doing a shooting with the renowned graphic designer, Slavimiro Futro. We had an accompanying interview where we discussed his personal style and how it influences his work. Does his clothing choices play a role in his artistic working process, and the opposite way.

Additionally, Slavimir shared with us some exciting details about the new brand he recently launched.

Read everything below

When did you realized that clothes is an important role of your identity?

I have always put a lot of thought into my wardrobe and the way I combine different pieces. Growing up in an environment where fashion was important, I came to see the process of putting together an outfit as a way to express my inner personality. However, it wasn’t until puberty hit and hormones took over that my appearance and clothes became a matter of life and death. Gone were the days of my mom’s jackets, roller skates, and slicked-back hair – they were left behind in the mists of history.

Who or what influenced you the most when it’s about the style and attitude at your young age

I was heavily influenced by my mother, Ljiljana, who was a very creative and stylish person. She had a great sense of beauty, which I inherited from her. But I also learned that beauty is not just skin-deep and that true nobility and kindness are what make a person truly beautiful. As a teenager, I didn’t fully understand the importance of these things, but as I grew older, I began to appreciate the deeper meanings of aesthetics and its role in life

What is the base of your style today?

I believe that we’re all searching for our true selves, the authentic version of who we are. It can be difficult to bring that side of us out into the light, but once we do, it’s a beautiful thing. Once we embrace who we truly are, we can enjoy the aesthetic decisions we make, like our clothing, cars, hairstyles, and accessories, without the pressure of trying to be something we’re not. Personally, I’ve come to realize that I’m just a fun-loving guy who enjoys making people laugh. My style is lighthearted and not aggressive, and I love wearing deep black, brown, or taupe with my trusty New Balance 990s. I opt for wide pleated pants with stripes, a polo shirt, and a retro jacket from the 50s to complete the look.

Do you think that the nature of your work and the clothes you wear are mutually influential?

As a graphic designer, I believe that having a sense of fashion and an authentic style is crucial. However, I also enjoy pushing the boundaries and going to extremes to create something unexpected. I even like to dress up as a businessman, banker, or lawyer to surprise my clients. But when it comes to inspiration, the truth is what drives me the most. I can only create meaningful designs when I can connect with the essential truth of the brand, product, or business I work for. My goal is to give that truth a visual form that resonates with the audience.

What inspired you to start your own fashion brand? What message does your brand convey and who is your target audience?

I had so many ideas for commercial projects that I just couldn’t bring to life until I found the perfect context for them – our small family lifestyle brand, Futro. We started with T-shirts because they were the perfect medium for mass communication messages. But soon enough, we expanded to other products like sweatshirts, posters, towels, bags, notebooks, mugs, stickers, and even sneakers. It’s been amazing seeing our ideas come to life in such a tangible way and watching our brand grow.

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